Monday 17 February 2014

Time Travel

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Fucking America. You know, that country that the entire human race looks up to like little kids look up to their cigarette-smoking tattooed older brothers? Karl showed me the subject matter for this next rant.

So, Kansas is passing a new bill. Guess what it's about? THE QUEER MENACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY RUN FOR COVER! TAKE UP ARMS! THE HOMOS ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!! The human race makes me sick. And it's because of things like this, which stick in your brain like a fucking tumour. They mutate your world view, and force you to realise that you're living in a world of inequality, genocide, segregation and all-out mass rape.

So, as I was saying, The state of Kansas is passing a new bill, which will, to put it bluntly, recreate black history in America. Only not with blacks. Because beating on the black is too mainstream now, you see. Played out. America's already done it to death. 'So what's the next minority we can tie to the whipping post this time?" The Kansas government asks, embodied by a fat Southern man standing coolly with one foot on his large mahogany desk. He takes the cigar from his quadruple-chinned mouth, and winks his impeccable yet malevolent wink. And with a thunderous laugh, he comes to his decision. "Them abominable queer homo pervert faggots!" And with that, it evolves.

So let's look at what this bill entails. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's exactly what America looked like fifty years ago with the blacks. Fuck, it's what Australia looked like fifty years ago with the Indigenous. Here's what the LGBTQA community will face if the bill is passed.

  • Individuals, groups and private businesses are legally allowed to refuse service to gay couples
  • Private employers can actually fire gay people solely based on their sexuality
  • Stores can deny gay couples service
  • Hotels can eject gay couples, or deny them entry to begin with
  • Business providing public accommodations (theatres, restaurants) can turn away gay couples at the door.
  • If a gay couple sues for discrimination, they'll lose.
  • After they lose, they have to pay the opponent's attorney's fees.
Let's look at that last one a bit deeper. That means gay couples can be banned from public parks, public swimming pools, anything run by the Kansas government. STATE HOSPITALS can deny gay couples treatment and even entry. Gay guy gets stabbed by a neo-Nazi in the street, but the hospital is too religious to help any. Gay guy gets curb-stomped and sexually violated with a beer bottle as happens in Russia, and the hospital can still deny them. Not only that, but the police won't help either. Know why? Because police are government employees too. That's right. THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE can refuse to help a gay couple, regardless of the urgency. Now that's fucked up.

It pisses me off when Christians bitch and complain about how their numbers are declining. Entire fucking states are being run by THEIR propaganda. Nothing to do with the community interests, but just one religion. One vague, easily misinterpreted passage from a book written, not by God, but by human beings. I mean, how can people so easily devote their lives to a God who doesn't even love all of his creation? Would you want a father who disowns you if you're gay? So why should you want a God, supposed father of humanity, that does the same? Why should he play favourites? He took sides during wars, he committed genocide for trivial matters several times. If we're worshipping an Old Testament god, then fuck it, I'm out, goodbye. So what puzzles me about Christianity is how it's really worshipping two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT gods. God from the Old vs New Testament is completely different. I mean, he completely swaps from fascist to anarchist when you think about it. New Testament God just says "fuck you authorities, stop paying taxes, just chill, drink wine, be groovy, love each other, and yeah." Old Testament God is like "what? You need glasses? Kill him."

And so that's why I hate humanity. Sure, there are plenty of good things. But it just gives you so many reasons to hate it, you can't help but feel ashamed. People with such dogmatic bullshit in their heads, they inflict it on others. As Filter say, "I hate it when you preach your case, it makes me want to stick my dick in your face". Anyways, have a good night.

The article that Karl sent me:

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