Tuesday 11 February 2014

Axis of Symmetry?

OK, so in math today I decided that I'd had enough of hearing the term "axis of symmetry" without doing something about it. Whilst not political, this is pretty fucking awesome, and sort of defies the laws of an album so I guess you could consider it musical anarchy. Basically, to create "Axis of Symmetry", take the first two tracks from Hendrix's 1967 album "Axis: Bold as Love", which are EXP and Up From the Skies. Then take the first track from Muse's 2001 album "Origin of Symmetry". Then alternate, much like Radiohead's "Ten" thing. Your last track should be "Bold as Love". See how you go, because there are some pretty cool transitions. It's not as great as Ten, but come on, Ten was intentional. This wasn't.

Also, another variation would be to start with "EXP", then make the second track "Plug In Baby". Then Up From The Skies, and carry on that way. After Little Wing (which should be track 11), go straight to If 6 Was 9. Then Citizen Erased, and carry on from there.

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