Monday 8 September 2014

Vote for Apathy

Who's ready for a claim more large-scale than any I've ever made on this blog? Ready?

Democracy doesn't work.

Democracy is a lie, and it serves only to appease you... I'm gonna keep saying 'you' or 'us' because it's better than saying 'people who vote'. It's only a few months off anyway.

Now, don't get me wrong. Democracy is by far the best running system of government that currently exists. But that's also the problem. Society is so goddamn complacent with things. With any given concept, people ignore its flaws and put up with it because no one's in a gas chamber.

But we're not hypocrites here. What are democracy's positives?
  • It involves the people having a say in the who governs them.
  • It is the only one of the three main systems which allows the people to see everything that's happening and make decisions about it.
  • It ensures the people who come to power are representative of the majority's best interests
So democracy sounds good so far. Negatives?
  • In reality, there is little to no distinction between the candidates, meaning only one group is being represented - thereby defeating the purpose of democracy.
  • There is little transparency - dishonesty in politicians has become so commonplace it's the basis of jokes. This means that the people are voting for people to run their lives with only a small amount of the knowledge required to make an informed decision.
  • Despite the range of candidates who could potentially represent the minorities, there are two parties that for some reason are placed in the forefront. This also defeats the purpose of democracy.
Democracy is supposed to mean that the public decides on a figure that best represents them. Why, then, do we have two rich white guys in suits running the fucking show? Where's the young brown Pastafarian lesbian?

But seriously, there's no free choice when there's one option. Now, that's not to say there are literally no other options. We have minor parties all over the place. But the only attention the media (you know, that fair and unbiased source we rely on for freedom of information?) gives those parties is condescending garbage to subtly tell you they're not worth a damn.

And of course, we listen. "Well, it makes sense. How could those amateurs run a country?" Seems like a fair point, too. But that's before you turn around and review our situation. We're sitting here, laughing our asses off at the fucking clowns in Parliament, hurling schoolyard insults and stopping just short of pulling out the motherfucking super soakers.

It's a chronic illness our society has. We continuously vote one of two ways, crossing our fingers that this time there'll be no fuck-ups. Yeah, twelfth time's the charm. And then when there is a fuck-up, we swap sides and vote for the other guy. "He won't fuck it up! He'll fix everything!" And when he makes things worse? "This time, it'll be alright! We'll vote for the first guy again, and maybe thirteenth time's the charm!" Fuck it. But if you even hint at breaking this wholly sacred ritual of election time (potentially upsetting the Ancient Ones), you get the third degree by all the "sane" people, who recognise the absolute stupidity of voting a minor party because they're untrustworthy and unqualified. "We can't vote for a minor party! They have no experience in Parliament! They'll surely fuck it up! I'm much more comfortable voting for people who I at least know are fuck-ups."

So I pose the question: why do we ridicule the minor parties, based on the possibility that they'll mess it up, while putting all our trust in the people who we constantly criticise for messing up?

There's such a stupid fucking trend we have going on where we vote someone that history and common sense tells us is incompetent, then spend 3-4 years repeatedly bashing the capability of any and all the politicians in Parliament (including the ones we voted in), then vote for the other guys (who we were also bashing), repeat step 2 then step 1.

It seems like I'm just missing something crucial here, and please help me understand what it is. Because it's either that, or we're very obviously stuck in some kind of rut that ultimately gets us nowhere, drains our pockets and our quality of life, and improves the lives of those who profit off our collective self-destruction. Please tell me it's the former, or else humanity has to do some serious contemplation.

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