Tuesday 5 November 2013

An Outlet for Angst

By the end of this post, I think I, and anyone else sharing with me this concoction of perfect hatred and apathy for the world, will feel much better.

The world is a fucking wasteland. Endless war scratched the Earth's skin until you can feel the blood underneath it. One side superficially and carelessly justifies it. The other has to participate, or else they'll be quite literally raped for all they have. The United States compares perfectly to Aphrodite. No, not because it's beautiful. Because its desire to have its true love has caused it to soak beautiful things in blood, so that they stay that way for the rest of eternity.

The only thing that's changed since 500 years ago in society and politics is that now we have a means to cover the brutality and inequality with a swank facade, put in place by, and to protect, the white power structure. Just look at Guantanamo Bay.

And worst of all, the reason this all began, and the reason it still exists: people are FUCKING BRAINDEAD MORONS. For every person with rational thought who sees the big picture, there's 1,000,000,000 calling them a hippy or a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Human beings are some of the dumbest fucking things to exist. All they need is someone who can talk good, and suddenly they're shoving Jews into gas chambers. All they need is poster featuring a racial slur, and suddenly they're signing up to go and kill other innocent working-class people in the name of a dispute between leaders neither have ever met. All that they FUCKING NEED is 8,000 white lives to justify this figure: Less than 2 years into the War in Afghanistan (triggered by those 8,000 white lives) over 3,000 CIVILIANS ALONE were killed. That war has been going on for 12 years, and still is continuing. So take a guess at how many civilians and soldiers alike have been killed by this war. How many of those civilians are mourned? They're still fucking dropping today, but over here in White Central, we're still drinking our tears over those 8,000 bodies from 12 years ago. A horrible number, but look at the effect. Fuck justice. Fuck sense. Fuck equality. Races are only equal when you're in this White Central. If you're still living in the Muslim world, then fuck off. A white man's spit is worth more than a Muslim's blood.

And by all means, we should stand by and watch it all unfold. Get the popcorn, because the effects are off the fucking chain and it's all in 3D.

OR, it could be time for it to change. It's almost time for a revolution. Obviously, I can't do shit. How many people are supposed to see this post, on this blog that can't be spotted in the first 100 pages of Google? But it's coming. Even though I'll have no part whatsoever in it, it'll happen. Because surely, people can't stay quiet much longer. Can they?

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