Wednesday, 27 November 2013

"Put Your Head Down"

This one's a bit more personal than the rest. At the moment, I'm pretty sure most if not all of my readers are my schoolmates. This post is all about the school we have so generously pledged our allegiance to.

I'd like to start by saying that I used to like our school. It was fairly liberal, and the students were treated fairly well. Mind, I'm talking before we came to the school. Students actually got MORE than other schools. Can you believe it? Then the infamous principal arrived. And from there, restrictions increased, liberations decreased, and we got stuck in a rut of uniform checks and higher workloads. Before we knew it, we were up to our necks in pointless bullshit.

There are a number of things I could focus on and rant about with this school, which I so fucking sorely want to name. But one in particular is the one that has us all riled at the moment. In fact, I started writing this post as I sat down and tried to do the homework for this topic. THE HEADSTART PROGRAM. Granted, all schools have this. And yes, it's a nice way for us to get a headstart on the vast workload of year 11. But I mean, 6 days is a bit excessive, don't you think?

And I don't know what the flying fuck this school was thinking when they organised this week. Here's essentially what happened. We've worked all year through year 10, we did our exams - that's 7 exams crammed into 4 days. And without even a day's break, we were thrown head-first into year 11. It's seriously like, "OK, do year 10, finish your exams, and start on year 11 NOW." Fuck off. And fuck this school. They're getting gradually more and more comfortable with fucking us over because we're the students and they're the staff. The education system is not built on education, it's built on establishing authority. Think about it. In those assemblies we sit through, what do they focus more on? Their authority, or our education? Even when it is about education, they pull our their baton of authority. They can fuck right off with that bullshit.

Now I don't deny that there needs to be authority. The proof is the people we're surrounded by. But I feel like there's far too much emphasis placed on following rules and putting your head down. There's less help for students than there is punishment, and it's fucked up. They've forgotten the fact that a student is a human being, and whatever they may spit, it's tougher than being up with them. Sure, they have more responsibilities and shit. But are we going to punish them if they fuck up? When a teacher enters the room and says "shit, I forgot this", it's offhand. Like it barely matters. And it doesn't. Same teacher, same classroom. A student raises his hand and asks if he can run outside and grab a book from his locker. Next second, it's the third degree for not being organised.

This double standard is fucking ridiculous. But I'll get back on topic. Headstart. I'd be alright if they'd given us that Friday after exams off. Is it really that much to ask for a day to rest after 4 days of 7 exams? Not to mention, you know, year 10. I would also be more comfortable with Headstart if it was more of an introduction. You know, ease us into it. Instead, it's been 4 days and I'm scared as fuck. I'm stressed about my ATAR (2 years away), and I already have 3 fucking assessments for the summer holidays.

Which brings me to my next point. Assessments. That first assembly we had, you all heard the co-ordinator's and staff members' speeches about how insanely important these assessments are and how we have absolutely zero room for error. First day of year 11, less than 24 hours after our last year 10 exam, and we had a fear of VCE implanted in our brains. A lot of people I talked to told me the same thing, they're genuinely stressed and scared. What the fuck kind of start to year 11 is that? To immediately scare the shit out of us about it? 


That's what they expect. That telling us all this shit about how one fuck-up will lead to life in the gutters of Cranbourne, will scare us into working harder. Yeah, how about you beat a kid to stop it from crying? How are we going to work to the best of our ability if we have failure breathing down our necks? 

This is all a complete mess of bullshit. There are at least 4 things the school has done to fuck us over here, and that's just in the context of this last week. As a student at this school, I say we're getting dangerously close to outright contextual totalitarianism. They don't listen to us, our complaints are met with "well that's how it is, no use complaining": a phrase I can guarantee you've all heard on a regular basis. We're only treated as human beings with conscious thought when it would incriminate us. We're human beings, and if anything, we should get more lenience than them, not the other way around. The old idea that older people should be respected more by younger people is a load of bollocks. All being older means is you've made more mistakes in life. Being more experienced doesn't count for shit. I can think of plenty of young people who are fifty times more respectable than any older people. Same can be said at our school. Our English teacher this year is much less respectable than most of my close friends.

So, to summarise: fuck the school. Fuck their need to control us. Fuck their refusal to treat us as real people in a community. Fuck their policies of punishment over assistance. Fuck it all.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

An Outlet for Angst

By the end of this post, I think I, and anyone else sharing with me this concoction of perfect hatred and apathy for the world, will feel much better.

The world is a fucking wasteland. Endless war scratched the Earth's skin until you can feel the blood underneath it. One side superficially and carelessly justifies it. The other has to participate, or else they'll be quite literally raped for all they have. The United States compares perfectly to Aphrodite. No, not because it's beautiful. Because its desire to have its true love has caused it to soak beautiful things in blood, so that they stay that way for the rest of eternity.

The only thing that's changed since 500 years ago in society and politics is that now we have a means to cover the brutality and inequality with a swank facade, put in place by, and to protect, the white power structure. Just look at Guantanamo Bay.

And worst of all, the reason this all began, and the reason it still exists: people are FUCKING BRAINDEAD MORONS. For every person with rational thought who sees the big picture, there's 1,000,000,000 calling them a hippy or a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Human beings are some of the dumbest fucking things to exist. All they need is someone who can talk good, and suddenly they're shoving Jews into gas chambers. All they need is poster featuring a racial slur, and suddenly they're signing up to go and kill other innocent working-class people in the name of a dispute between leaders neither have ever met. All that they FUCKING NEED is 8,000 white lives to justify this figure: Less than 2 years into the War in Afghanistan (triggered by those 8,000 white lives) over 3,000 CIVILIANS ALONE were killed. That war has been going on for 12 years, and still is continuing. So take a guess at how many civilians and soldiers alike have been killed by this war. How many of those civilians are mourned? They're still fucking dropping today, but over here in White Central, we're still drinking our tears over those 8,000 bodies from 12 years ago. A horrible number, but look at the effect. Fuck justice. Fuck sense. Fuck equality. Races are only equal when you're in this White Central. If you're still living in the Muslim world, then fuck off. A white man's spit is worth more than a Muslim's blood.

And by all means, we should stand by and watch it all unfold. Get the popcorn, because the effects are off the fucking chain and it's all in 3D.

OR, it could be time for it to change. It's almost time for a revolution. Obviously, I can't do shit. How many people are supposed to see this post, on this blog that can't be spotted in the first 100 pages of Google? But it's coming. Even though I'll have no part whatsoever in it, it'll happen. Because surely, people can't stay quiet much longer. Can they?

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Sexual Violation

This'll just be a quick side-note guys. So, Australia's government are introducing a new charge: sexual violation. What sexual violation means, is that the defendant actually believed that they had consent. Now, let's look at the consequences of that law:

1. Confusion. Legally, this is contradictory. By law, even if you're married, you need an affirmed "yes" before sex. Now, by introducing sexual violation, how can that exist? Will they change the definition of rape? Because if you didn't get the clear "yes", it's legally rape. If you did get the "yes", you clearly know you have consent. There's no room for "not a yes but not a no". You don't have to say "no" for it to be rape. If the other person didn't make clear they were consenting, it's legally rape. So how can you not know whether you do or don't have consent without raping someone? 

2. Appeals. If you were a convicted rapist, I would probably expect you to file for an appeal once this is passed. The floodgates are about to burst open due to this. Courts with be congested and a shitstorm will brew, especially if many of them actually succeed. Every single convicted rapist ever is going to file for appeal on the grounds that they thought they had consent. Which brings me to my next point.

3. How the fuck are you supposed to prove that you had consent? Seriously, try to think up some way that you would prove it if you were in that position. How on earth can you prove that you were under the impression consent had been given? 

Monday, 14 October 2013


But am I paranoid though? Get ready for the rant of all rants: several micro-rants in one post. These will be elaborated on in their own posts later on.

How many times have you been told to colour inside the lines? How many times have you been told to cut your hair, to tuck your shirt in, or to sit up straight? But more importantly, how many times have you ever questioned that? How many times have you considered that maybe, just because another human being has been hired to educate and protect you for 7 hours a day, that this human being has no right to tell you how you can or can't look. But that's just at a school level. Let's expand on that, shall we? Leave school, what next? Sure, maybe the law is fairly justified. Not too many laws I can think of that breach your personal rights. But what about the bullshit that we all know as "social conventions"? Perhaps more suitably known as "the norm". This "norm" is the problem in everything we do. Want to not give a shit how you're dressed today? Get ready to be sneered at by a judgemental bitch with a chihuahua in her Chanel handbag. FUCK THE NORM. And who wants to take a stab at where the norm comes from? That's right, that 7-headed dragon rising up out of the water, THE MEDIA. The people sitting around a desk deciding how to manipulate your mind into giving them your bank details. Mind you, it'd be tough work. They'd need to scour the country for the next teenager to glorify, the next teenager to vilify, the next Prime Minister to defame and the next Prime Minister to set up...

So why the complacency? Why is everyone so fucking happy to blindly obey? I suppose it's easier to walk when you're being pulled. The media's not the only issue. Look at what a government is. $20 says your first impression of the term "government" is people who make and enforce the law. So let me pose the question: what do you call a body of people who lie, cheat and steal their way through everything, who consistently lie to the people they're meant to merely keep under control, and who are perfectly comfortable with making laws and rules that a majority of these people don't want made? What fits that last description? Last I checked, 64% wanted gay marriage. Pretty sure if you ask most educated people, they'd agree that a person fleeing a war-torn country should be allowed the opportunity to escape. The government has forgotten its job. A government is there to keep the people stable. It prevents violence, riot and corruption. Their job description has JACK SHIT to do with making very important decisions based on their own personal views and opinions. Yes, Tony and basically every other politician, I'm talking to you. What the fuck kind of democracy involves ignoring the common man and making decisions based on your own right-wing, 1920s, fascist beliefs? The fact that you're a Catholic should have absolutely NOTHING to do with how you run this country, because in this body of 23 million human beings, some of us aren't.

Now a brief glimpse at America's government. Let's try and count the atrocities their government has committed, and the lies it has told. Here are just some.

1. The First Philippine Republic - in the early 1900s, the U.S. captured the leader of a formally established democratic government by insurgent revolutionaries. The U.S. thereby destroyed a democratically elected government in a country that was not theirs.

2. The Canicatti Massacre - in 1943, the U.S. invaded Sicily. The town of Canicatti had already surrendered to U.S. forces, when 8 unarmed civilians looting a bombed factory for food and soap were massacred, including an 11-year-old girl.

3. Dachau massacre - the U.S. rounded up 50 or so German POWs at Dachau and proceeded to kill them with machine guns. Several SS guards who had surrendered were also killed.

4. The Biscari massacre - TWO instances of mass murder in Italy by the US, the first the killing of 36 prisoners who were unconfirmed to have been acting as snipers, some of whom were civilians; the other the murder of 35 Italian prisoners and 2 German guards on the way to interrogation for no apparent reason. 

5. Operation Teardrop - the brutal torture of 8 captured crewmen from a sunken German submarine. 

6. Several instances of the mass murder (30 upward) of POWs.

7. Several instances of orders given to take no prisoners.

8. To skip forward a bit... GUANTANAMO BAY.

Guantanamo Bay, if you don't know already, is a prison in Cuba established with the purpose of detaining terrorists. Of course, knowing the United States of America, not a SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PRISONERS WAS A CONFIRMED TERRORIST. The flag-praising, Uncle Sam-blowing, propaganda spreading counter-Nazis take in suspects, and put them through humiliating and brutally torturous punishments. There's blatant torture and several other humiliating things. This was, of course, the Bush administration. So there was a bit of outcry when it was revealed that this shit was going down. To appease the masses, Bush said he was shutting down the institution. This obviously worked. But, keep in mind, I said he told them he was shutting it down. That hell is still open today. Several prisoners were and may still be (I'm not sure) on a hunger strike. So they were put into force-feeding. Which is worse than it seems. If you want an idea, check out a video where Mos Def voluntarily undergoes the force-feeding procedure. He had to stop because of the pain before the feeding part even took place. This is, I reiterate, being done to SUSPECTS. None of them have ever been confirmed. They're, to put it bluntly, being put through this because of their country of origin.

Which brings me back to my original point. Isn't that sort of racist propaganda meant to be outdated? Isn't the general idea that we don't lock up and endlessly torture people because of their nationality or skin colour? And why were the Americans so fucking complacent about being directly lied to by their President? THE MAN PUT IN POWER TO GOVERN THEM. TO PROTECT THEM. TO BE HONEST TO THEM.

I'm now going to quote Zack de la Rocha and post and write out the lyrics to a song by Rage Against the Machine to end this rant:

"if the same laws were applied to U.S. presidents as were applied to the Nazis after World War II [...] every single one of them, every last rich white one of them from Truman on, would have been hung to death and shot—and this current administration is no exception. They should be hung, and tried, and shot. As any war criminal should be."

Come on!

Come on, although you try to discredit
You still never edit
The needle, I'll thread it
Radically poetic
Standing with the fury that they had in '66
And like e-double I'm mad
Still knee-deep in the system's shit
Hoover, he was a body remover
I'll give you a dose
But it'll never come close
To the rage built up inside of me
Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy

Movements come and movements go
Leaders speak, movements cease
When their heads are flown
Cause all these punks
Got bullets in their heads
Departments of police, the judges, the feds

Networks at work, keeping people calm
You know they went after King
When he spoke out on Vietnam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And then came the shot


Yeah, back in this
With poetry, my mind I flex
Flip like Wilson, vocals never lacking that finesse
What have I got to do, what have I got to do
To wake you up
To shake you up, to break the structure up
Cause blood stills flows in the gutter
I'm like taking photos
Mad boy kicks open the shutter
Set the groove
Then stick and move like I was Cassius
Rep the stutter step
Then bomb a left upon the fascists
Yeah, the several federal men
Who pulled schemes on the dream
And put it to an end
You better beware
Of retribution with mind war
20/20 visions and murals with metaphors

Networks at work, keeping people calm
You know they murdered X
And tried to blame it on Islam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And then came the shot

What was the price on his head?
What was the price on his head?

I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard, I think I heard a shot

Background: black nationalism
He may be a real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed obedience to white liberal doctrine of non-violence and embrace black nationalism through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential troublemakers
And neutralise them

Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!

How long? Not long
Cause what you reap is what you sow

Saturday, 21 September 2013


This is a blog that serves 2 purposes: it helps me to vent and keeps you in tune with shit that's happening and my personal opinion on it. The majority of you will be friends I had on Facebook before I deleted it. So yeah. That's pretty much all this is. All my political rants compressed into one blog. Enjoy.